Lots of winter-themed arts and crafts happening in both rooms
Children in the junior room took some time to talk about the things in their lives that they are thankful for
The boys and girls in the junior room were busy this afternoon planting bulbs. We hope to have a burst of colour in our garden next Spring
In November, Children in the senior room remember their loved ones who have passed away
The children were delighted on Tuesday with a visit from past pupil Katie Connole and some members of the victorious Burren Gaels Team with their recently won cup. They also presented the school with a €50 prize for our banner supporting the team
Anti-Bullying Week took place from 15th to 22nd of November this year and on Monday, children wore odd socks to school to celebrate what makes us all unique
As part of Road Safety Week, the junior and senior room donned their hi-vis jackets and took to the highways of Fanore
The children were lucky enough to take part in some zoom workshops as part of Wonderfest this week. The senior room attended Fowl Adventures with Eoin Colfer and the junior room attended Vanishing Lakes and Seaweed Pies.
As part of Science Week, the children in the junior room made their very own string telephones.
Today, all children participated in 3 Science Talks as part of Science Week.
Let’s Talk about Bats!
Think before you Flush!
Meteorologist Talk (Senior Room)
/Facts about cows, grass, milk (Junior Room)
What an informative morning!
© 2025 Fanore National School, Fanore, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel: 065-7076197