The children have been learning all about the Aztecs this year. Here are some of the projects presented by them this month.
The children in the senior room created these colourful agamographs containing some of their hopes and resolutions for 2023
Wishing all our school community a very happy Christmas.
The children treated the community to a beautiful carol service on Sunday. Thanks to the children for their wonderful singing and playing, and a special thanks to the parents that helped by giving lifts, baking, manning the tea stand, cleaning up and taking care of our church-gate collection
Our most recent calendar reveals included no uniform day, Christmas Art Attack, christmas quiz and our end of year Christmas party and movie.
Well done to Sean and his victorious team who won by the narrowest of margins.
Our advent calendar has revealed lots of fun activities so far, including board game afternoon, cookie decorating, extra PE, Christmas crafts and Christmas Story time, who knows what’s in store for us this week
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas……Today, amid great excitement, we welcomed the arrival of our school advent calendar. Hot chocolate for everyone!! We can’t wait to see what other treats are in store for December 🎄🎄
The junior room have been spending time learning all about houses and homes this month. We may have some future architects in the school judging by these talented creations!
Below is a sample of some of the work that the senior room have been engaging in this month, including projects (the children work on and present information on a topic of their own choosing), maths lines and angles and art using the medium of print
The children in both rooms created this beautiful display to remember our family and friends who have died. The hearts will be on display in Fanore Church for November with additional hearts for our parishioners to add the names of their own loved ones
© 2025 Fanore National School, Fanore, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel: 065-7076197