Fanore National School - News

Ennistymon Fire Brigade

December 14th, 2015

Today, Brian and Alan from Ennistymon Fire Brigade came to speak to us in school.

They spoke of the dangers associated with plugs, candles, matches etc. They informed us about Smoke Alarms and other safety precautions we should take in our homes.

We also got to see some equipment they use in their jobs as firemen!

Church Gate Collection

December 14th, 2015

Many thanks to all who supported our church gate collection.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Christmas Pageant

December 13th, 2015

Today we had our annual Christmas pageant.


Well done to all the children who performed, everyone was fantastic!

Here are a few snaps of the show, more to follow!!

Christmas Pageant

December 3rd, 2015

Our annual Christmas Pageant will take place on Sunday Dec 13th in the church.

Doodle 4 Google

November 24th, 2015

Well done to all our children who created beautiful

Doodle 4 Google

designs based on the theme

“Ireland is……”

Here are some of our designs….

Christmas Shoeboxes

November 10th, 2015

Many thanks to all our families and members of the community who donated a shoebox for the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.

A total of 31 shoeboxes were collected and sent off!

No, your shoebox won’t change the world, but it might just change the world for one child!

AIB Bake Off

November 5th, 2015

Well done to all our children who participated in the AIB Bake Off today.

A great effort was made by everyone!

The dishes/cakes etc were simply delicious!!

Readathon 2015

November 3rd, 2015

Our annual Readathon has commenced!

Halloween Holidays

October 23rd, 2015

School will close today for our Halloween holidays.

School will reopen on Monday 2nd November.


October 22nd, 2015

Our finished Monsters!!

Happy Halloween!