The school participated in the LauraLynn Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser. The school raised an incredible €400 for this charity and the children had a photo shoot competition to come up with a creative pose!
The children then got to direct the teachers into their poses!
Here are some activities the infant group got up to as part of Genius Hour!
The perfect dish on a cold December day….vegetable soup courtesy of our mini-chefs today
We were very lucky to have a visit from Ballyvaughan-based children’s author David Donohue this week to talk to us about his books, characters and how to write interesting and exciting stories
Children in the junior room have been learning about shapes and are enjoying hands on exploration and play!
Well done to our colouring competition winners! Each child received a Folens Annual!
We have started our second block of Genius Hour activities at school. Genius Hour takes place for one hour each week with children having the opportunity to engage in a range of fun activities they children have suggested – this terms activities are cooking, sports conditioning, mini genius hour and board games. Here is the cooking group who have so far learned to make scones and pizza toasties…yum yum
What else would you do on a snowy school day? This magnificent specimen was a whole-school effort today and very handsome he is too!!
The children in the senior room have been learning about the Rosary and have made their own. Aren’t they beautiful
The children have been engaging in lots of activities to celebrate Science Week.
The children in the senior room investigated the effects of different substsances on melting speed of ice.
They also joined in with the Curious Minds Science Week show
© 2025 Fanore National School, Fanore, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel: 065-7076197